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Mango Day Celebrated????
The pre primary students of Dnyanada English School Harsul T-point celebrated International ????Mango Day on 27 July 2023.
22nd July …. is celebrated as National Mango Day.
Mango ???? Day was celebrated with great zeal and enthusiasm.
Children and teachers were dressed in yellow.
Tiny tods wore beautifully decorated mango headgears and cut-outs. Some also were in complete mango attire .
They even recited rhymes on Mango and also confidently delivered few lines about mango to enhance their spoken English skill under the guidance of the music Teachers Rashmi and Savata sir.
Various art and craft activities were conducted by teachers of respective class like Montessori took cotton dabbing and Transition and Pre First made stuff mango.
The program was beautifully anchored by Sneha Tekam.
The beautiful decoration was done by the drawing teachers Smita and Pradnya , Deepali Ranjanikar,PT trs and music teacher helped them in the task.
Administrator Anita Shidhaye ,Coordinator Mr. Hrushikesh Joshi and Mrs. Manisha Joshi attend the program and were the judges .
Administrator Anita Sidhaye and Principal Mrs. Nayantara Nair appreciated the efforts taken by the teachers, parents and students and encouraged them with lovely words.
Coordinator Manisha Joshi spoke to the children and told the health benefits of eating a fruit every day.Prize distribution and photos done taken with the dignitaries.
Coordinator Hrushikesh Joshi encouraged the teachers for the beautiful decoration and wished best luck to continue the good work.
The day was a practical learning experience for the tiny tods where they enhanced their creative, communicative, collaborative skills. The session was thoroughly enjoyed by the students.
The special day ended with bright smiles ????

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