To enforce discipline more effectively, we have decided to introduce white,
yellow and red cards for erring student and also STAR system for good behavior.
White Card: (Absenteeism, uniform and coming late)
A white card will be issued to the students on following grounds:
a) Remaining absent from the school for 3 or more successive days without
b) Not being in proper school uniform even after continuous 3 reminders
c) Coming late to school repeatedly
Yellow Card: (Discipline)
A yellow card will be issued to the students on following grounds:
a) disfiguring or damaging of school property
b) bringing cell phone / valuables to school
c) use of violence in any form
d) using abusive language
e) indulging in voices which are not expected by school students.
f) Possession or bursting of crackers in school campus.
g) Any other nuisance which hinders the discipline.
The above will deprive the erring student of availing any privileges in school for
a week. Awarding of three
Yellow cards in an academic year, may lead to the expulsion of the offender from
school on disciplinary Grounds.

Red Card: 

Red card will be issued to the student for their careless and untidy work in
academics this has to be signed by the subject teacher on each day of the week
during which the student is on the red card. If the progress during the week is
found to be satisfactory, the red card will be discontinued.
Co-operation from student and parent is expected in all above area to help in
improving overall discipline.

Attendance policy :

1. Student must have minimum 75% attendance during the academic year for
promotion to the next class.
2. During the school hours, any student taking leave should be accompanied by
either parent, legal guardians, the details of whom are recorded in the dossier.
3. Students suffering from contagious diseases will not be permitted to attend the
school. During illness they will be sent home in the interest of the welfare of the
other student attending the school.
4. A student returning to school after suffering from an infectious or contagious
disease must produce attending doctor’s certificate of fitness permitting
him/her to attend the school.
5. A student suffering from the following diseases must observe the prescribed
period of quarantine before returning to class.
A) Chicken pox – Till complete falling of scabs.
B) Cholera – Till the child is completely well.
C) Measles – 2 weeks after the rash disappears.
D) Mumps – Till swelling has gone, about 1 month .
E) Whooping Cough – Six weeks.
F) Jaundice – six weeks.
6. Students who remain absent from school without valid reason will not be
given any credit for the test which they may miss due to their absence.



7. A written note for leave should be submitted to the class teacher in the diary.